Parking Management for Retail, Business and Leisure Sites
Fully managed, compliant and responsive parking management.
With the rise of e-commerce and online spending, many consumers are now turning away from the high street to shop online. A recent survey carried out showed that over 45% of respondents were put off from shopping on the high street by increasingly worsening parking conditions.
Our emphasis is on fairness, compliance and responsive parking management. We understand the needs and priorities of retail sites – encouraging a high turnover of spaces to keep traffic and business flowing to the site, yet not penalising those who are browsing or contributing towards the income of the site.
Why our Solution is Effective for Retail, Business and Leisure
Full solutions to provide parking compliance or commercial aspirations.
Friendly, courteous and highly trained staff at our Business Processing Unit.
Regular performance and compliance reports.
A range of added value initiatives to make parking easier.
We Provide the Following Services to Retail, Business and Leisure Sites
We can provide patrol officers via our third party accredited operator. We provide Smartphones loaded with our Rialto enforcement software and also portable Bluetooth printers. This will allow users to enforce the terms and conditions as set out on your signage. Our ANPR solution is also ideal for sites that may need to control maximum stay or be linked with payment facilities such as cashless or P&D.
Motorists can securely view their PCN details, examine photographs taken at the time of issue, pay their charges or raise an appeal.
ScanSmarti is our Smartphone ANPR software that significantly speeds up the patrol process. It allows patrol officers to continuously scan VRMs while walking, without the need to stop. ScanSmarti will instantly identify whether a vehicle has a valid permit or has paid for parking.
Business Processing
Our award winning Business Processing Unit will process all PCNs on behalf of the site. We offer a staffed call centre between the hours of 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday, so that the motorist is able to speak directly to a trained advisor. Our back-office staff frequently win awards for their communication with members of the public. There is also a 24-hour ATP line that will allow motorists to pay their PCN securely over a phone.
Parking Permits
We can manage permits on behalf of the site. This is done using our powerful permit management software, PermitSmarti. Staff apply directly on the web through the PermitSmarti portal, which is branded with the look and feel of your website. The system can accommodate an infinite range of permit types, including those based on Co2 emissions, tiered pricing or salary band. This ensures only legitimate staff or those that pass any criteria are able to obtain a permit. We are also able to integrate with HR systems to enable monthly deductions to be taken from salaries. Once approved, permits are uploaded to the back office and available instantaneously on smartphones.
Visitor parking can be controlled by authorised staff using our PermitSmarti add on, VoucherSmarti. VoucherSmarti runs 24/7 via a branded portal, allowing visitors to book parking on demand. Each department is given an allocation to ensure that the service is not oversubscribed. All permits are offered virtually and are instantly identifiable on the smartphone.
Cashless Parking
Cashless parking provides consumers with the ability to top up from anywhere at any time. This not only encourages compliance but it enables shoppers to spend longer in local businesses without needing to interrupt their spending.
Parking Signage
As part of our services, we can conduct site surveys and provide signage that conforms to the standards of the International Parking Community (IPC). Your business has complete freedom over the design and the branding of the signs as long as they remain compliant to the standards above. We will replace old signs or overlay existing ones to keep costs down.
Any of our solutions are available on a management fee basis to retail parks and businesses. Each solution offered will meet the unique needs and priorities of your site, ensuring your parking management operation is seamless as well as offering excellent value for money.
Our Parking Solutions
Helping your parking operation work smarter.

Parking Permits

Smartphones & Software


Cashless Parking


Parking Signage

Business Processing

Training & Support